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Dean Emeritus of the School of Engineering at Princeton, Professor Jahn, after 12 years of experiments involving more than 100 subjects in thousands of trials, has uncovered astonishing evidence that electronic devices can be controlled by thought. The human subjects proved capable of altering the output of the devices so much that the chances of getting such a bias by fluke alone is calculated to... posted on May 21 2003, 1,057 reads


A Priceless Wedding
The musicians were playing, the 2,000 guests were dining, the priest was preparing the ceremony and the bride was dressed in red, her hands and feet festively painted with henna. Then, under the wedding tent, the groom's family asked for more dowry. 25,000 dollars more. So Nisha Sharma, the bride, picks up her cell phone, calls the cops and lands her groom in jail. She is being hailed internati... posted on May 20 2003, 1,873 reads


... posted on May 19 2003, 335 reads


... posted on May 18 2003, 1,991 reads


Pushing One's Limits
The Shaolin monks stand on their fingers, bend their legs over their shoulders and balance their belly's on top of a spike -- and that's just for starters. The monks are part of a 1500 year old tradition of meditation.... posted on May 17 2003, 1,207 reads


A Garden of Giving
Rudy Viereckl worked on experimental flowers all day, tended a home garden at night, but still, felt the need for more. What he wanted was a garden designed to benefit others, not himself. So he planted a row for the hungry, rallied his friends and ended up collecting 41,652 pounds of produce!... posted on May 16 2003, 1,166 reads


Peace through 'Guru Currency'
If you're ever in the Netherlands, you can officially use 'guru currency'. The group founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, famous for being a spritual teacher to Beatles, has issued a currency named after an Indian diety -- "raam" -- that they hope will alleviate poverty and create world peace.... posted on May 15 2003, 1,620 reads


An Ecological Housing Complex
Way past Ikea lies a Swedish housing complex that is ecologically sound and wired for all sorts of remote-control fiddling with heat, power and security. This unit decontaminates its own soil, recycles its water into a rebuilt marsh ecology, generates power from renewable sources, uses roof space to put oxygen back into the environment and, through sensors and broadband Web access, allows owners ... posted on May 14 2003, 1,322 reads


She started surfing at the age of 4. By 14, Rell Sun was competing in meets and soon became a pioneer of women's surfing. Very active in her community of Oahu and an advocate of great causes, she thought of her home as "paradise on earth" despite its many problems. ABC recently named her Hawaii's most influential women of the 20th century. Rell Sun passed away of breast cancer at 47.... posted on May 13 2003, 721 reads


... posted on May 12 2003, 706 reads


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Leaders are more powerful role models when they learn than when they teach.
Rosabeth Moss Kantor

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